Cold Start in Serverless Functions

Analyzing cold start on serverless functions across major cloud platforms

Serverless Functions Diagram
Illustration of serverless function execution flow.

1. Introduction

Serverless computing has emerged as a revolutionary paradigm in cloud computing, offering developers the ability to build and run applications without managing the underlying infrastructure. However, this model introduces unique challenges, particularly in terms of performance variability due to the “cold start” phenomenon.

This study aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of cold start times across major cloud platforms, investigating the factors that influence these delays and offering insights to optimize serverless function performance.

1.1 Cold Start in Serverless Computing

A “cold start” occurs when a serverless function is executed in a newly created container, as opposed to reusing an existing warm container. This process introduces latency that can significantly impact application performance, especially for latency-sensitive applications.

The typical steps involved in a cold start are:

  1. Server allocation
  2. Container setup with specified runtime
  3. Loading of required dependencies and packages
  4. Loading of function code into memory
  5. Execution of function handler code

In contrast, a warm start only involves the last step, as it reuses an existing container.

1.2 Significance of the Study

Understanding and mitigating cold start issues is crucial for:

2. Background

2.1 Serverless Computing Landscape

Serverless computing, also known as Function-as-a-Service (FaaS), has gained significant traction since its introduction. Major cloud providers offering serverless platforms include:

2.2 Previous Research

Several studies have explored cold start times in serverless environments:

Our study builds upon this foundation, providing a more recent and comprehensive analysis across multiple platforms.

3. Methodology

3.1 Platforms and Tools

3.2 Experimental Setup

3.2.1 Function Implementation

3.2.2 Deployment Configurations

3.3 Data Collection Process

AWS Lambda:

GCP Cloud Functions:

Azure Functions:

3.4 Variables Analyzed

3.5 Data Analysis

4. Results and Analysis

4.1 AWS Lambda

4.1.1 Impact of Memory Size

Graph showing cold start times for different memory sizes in AWS Lambda.


4.1.2 Programming Language Comparison


4.1.3 Impact of VPC Integration

Comparison of cold start times with and without VPC integration in AWS Lambda.


4.1.4 Dependency Analysis


4.2 Google Cloud Functions

4.2.1 Language Comparison


4.2.2 Memory Allocation Impact


4.3 Microsoft Azure Functions

4.3.1 Language Comparison


4.3.2 Consumption vs. Premium Plan


5. Discussion

5.1 Cross-Platform Comparison

Our study reveals significant variations in cold start performance across AWS Lambda, GCP Cloud Functions, and Azure Functions:

5.2 Factors Influencing Cold Start Times

  1. Programming Language: Interpreted languages like Python and Node.js generally showed faster cold start times compared to compiled languages like Java.

  2. Memory Allocation: Increased memory allocation improved cold start times, particularly for functions with dependencies. However, there were diminishing returns beyond certain thresholds.

  3. Dependencies: Heavy dependencies significantly increased cold start times across all platforms. Utilizing platform-specific optimizations (e.g., AWS Lambda Layers) proved beneficial.

  4. Network Configuration: VPC integration in AWS Lambda introduced substantial delays, highlighting the need for careful consideration when implementing network isolation.

  5. Execution Environment: Premium/dedicated execution environments (e.g., Azure Premium plan) showed marked improvements in cold start times.

5.3 Platform-Specific Insights

6. Conclusions and Recommendations

Based on our comprehensive analysis, we offer the following conclusions and recommendations:

6.1 General Observations

6.2 Recommendations for Reducing Cold Start Times

  1. Choose the appropriate programming language based on the specific platform and use case.
  2. Optimize memory allocation, particularly for functions with dependencies.
  3. Minimize dependencies and utilize platform-specific optimization techniques.
  4. Implement warm-up strategies to keep frequently used functions active.
  5. Consider premium/dedicated execution environments for production workloads.
  6. Carefully evaluate the need for VPC integration, considering its performance impact.

6.3 Best Practices for Serverless Function Design

7. Future Work

While this study provides a comprehensive analysis of cold start times in serverless functions, several areas warrant further investigation:

  1. Long-term Performance Analysis: Conduct longitudinal studies to understand how cold start times evolve over extended periods and across platform updates.

  2. Workload-Specific Optimization: Investigate cold start optimization techniques for specific workload types (e.g., data processing, API serving, batch jobs).

  3. Emerging Serverless Platforms: Extend the analysis to include newer serverless platforms and edge computing environments.

  4. Cost-Performance Trade-offs: Develop models to optimize the balance between performance improvements and associated costs in serverless architectures.

  5. Advanced Warm-up Strategies: Explore and evaluate sophisticated warm-up techniques to minimize cold starts in production environments.

8. References

  1. Manner, Johannes, et al. “Cold start influencing factors in function as a service.” 2018 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing Companion (UCC Companion). IEEE, 2018.

  2. Jackson, David, and Gary Clynch. “An investigation of the impact of language runtime on the performance and cost of serverless functions.” 2018 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing Companion (UCC Companion). IEEE, 2018.

  3. Cordingly, Robert, et al. “Implications of Programming Language Selection for Serverless Data Processing Pipelines.” 2020 IEEE Intl Conf on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, Intl Conf on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing, Intl Conf on Cloud and Big Data Computing, Intl Conf on Cyber Science and Technology Congress (DASC/PiCom/CBDCom/CyberSciTech). IEEE, 2020.

  4. AWS. “AWS Lambda Developer Guide.” Amazon Web Services, Inc., 2021,

  5. Google Cloud. “Cloud Functions Documentation.” Google Cloud, 2021,

  6. Microsoft Azure. “Azure Functions documentation.” Microsoft Docs, 2021,

  7. Baldini, Ioana, et al. “Serverless computing: Current trends and open problems.” Research Advances in Cloud Computing. Springer, Singapore, 2017. 1-20.

  8. Simform: Serverless Architecture Guide

  9. OCTO: Cold Start/Warm Start with AWS Lambda

  10. GitHub: Mikhail Shilkov’s Cloudbench